Song Lyrics Generator

Generate a Ballad in Seconds

Please keep your input family friendly.
Need a prompt? Go random!

An adjective that decribes you well
(e.g. smart, sexy, funny)

What is your occupation?
(e.g. doctor, pilot, stripper)

Aside from you, who is the song about?
A boy A girl

What is their role in your life? (e.g. friend, lover, cousin)

An adjective to describle this person

What is their occupation?

A day, month or season (e.g. Wednesday, winter)

A period of the day (e.g. morning, evening)

Something / someone you might meet (e.g. girl, frog, Mr Spoon)

Tick here if the above is a proper noun (i.e. we should never prefix it with "a".)

Something reckless somebody might have done to the above (e.g. hit, kissed)
Must be a past tense transitive verb

Something / someone else might meet (e.g. girl, frog, Mr Spoon)

Tick here if the above is a proper noun (i.e. we should never prefix it with "a".)

Something reckless somebody might have done to the above (e.g. hit, kissed)
Must be a past tense transitive verb

Two body parts (e.g. lips, bottom, ears.)

Four more adjectives (e.g. lonely, fast)

Two verbs (e.g. eat, smile, run)

And finally, what's your band name?

Stuck? Try our band name generator

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Ballad Lyrics Generator

Quickly make a ballad using a few words of your own or our automated keyword picker. We'll also create you a cover and song title.

Many songs are parodies of other work. If you want to use them elsewhere please check your country's parody laws.

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