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Song Lyrics Generator
The Way You Phone (The Calm, Mature And Creative Man Song)
By Surprises
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But you, you are mostly calm
I like the way you phone.
You do it like a cologne.
I like the way you forgive.
You do it like a sieve.
I like the way you love.
You do it like a dove.
You find so many people are obscure
But you, you are mostly mature
I love the way you wear your hair,
Spreading your style everywhere.
You're like a style fountain.
Enough zazz for a whole mountain.
You find so many people are vegetative
But you, you are mostly creative
You're the perfect man.
No one brings me joy like you can.
You find so many people are attentive
But you, you are mostly inventive
Calm, mature and creative,
Inventive and steady too,
Are the qualities of you
You find so many people are ready
But you, you are mostly steady
1 | 0 | 1
All Time Rank: 164987.5 out of 1454864
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)
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